Knowledge workers frequently change activities, either by choice or through interruptions. With an increasing number of activities and activity switches, it is becoming more and more difficult for knowledge workers to keep track of their desktop activities. This article presents our efforts to achieve activity awareness through automatic classification of user's everyday desktop activities. For getting a deeper understanding, we investigate performance of various classifiers with respect to discriminative power of time-, interaction-, and content-based feature sets for different work scenarios and users. Specifically, by viewing an activity as a sequence of desktop interactions we present (1) a methodology for translating a user's desktop interactions into activities, (2) evaluation of the discriminative power of different activity features and feature types, and (3) analysis of supervised classification models for classifying desktop activity under two different scenarios, i.e., an activity-centric scenario and a user-centric scenario. The experiments are carried out on a real-world dataset, and the results show satisfactory accuracy using relatively few and simple types of features.