Northern maize leaf blight is one of the major diseases that endanger the health of maize. The complex background of the field and different light intensity make the detection of diseases more difficult. A multi-scale feature fusion instance detection method, based on convolutional neural network, is proposed to detect maize leaf blight. The proposed technique incorporates three major steps of data set preprocessing part, fine-tuning network and detection module. In the first step, the improved retinex is used to process data sets, which successfully solves the problem of poor detection effects caused by high-intensity light. In the second step, the improved RPN is utilized to adjust the anchor box of diseased leaves. The improved RPN network identifies and deletes negative anchors, which reduces the search space of the classifier and provides better initial information for the detection network. In this paper, a transmission module is designed to connect the fine-tuning network with the detection module. On the one hand, the transmission module fuses the features of the low-level and high-level to improve the detection accuracy of small target diseases. On the other hand, the transmission module converts the feature map associated with the fine-tuning network to the detection module, thus realizing the feature sharing between the detection module and the fine-tuning network. In the third step, the detection module takes the optimized anchor as input, focuses on detecting the diseased leaves. By sharing the features of the transmission module, the time-consuming process of using candidate regions layer by layer to detect is eliminated. Therefore, the efficiency of the whole model has reached the efficiency of the one-stage model. In order to further optimize the detection effect of the model, we replace the loss function with generalized intersection over union (GIoU). After 60000 iterations, the highest mean average precision (mAP) reaches 91.83%. The experimental results indicate that the improved model outperforms several existing methods in terms of greater precision and frames per second (FPS). INDEX TERMS Northern maize leaf blight, disease detection, transmission module, retinex, single shot multiBox detector (SSD). I. INTRODUCTION Maize is one of the major food crops in the world. The planting area and output of maize in the world are only lower than that of wheat and rice [1]. In addition to be an excellent feed for animal husbandry, maize is also an important raw material for the development of light industrial products. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Liandong Zhu.