We identify the core topics of research applying machine learning to finance. We use a probabilistic topic modeling approach to make sense of this diverse body of research spanning across multiple disciplines. Through a latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling technique, we extract 15 coherent research topics that are the focus of 5942 academic studies from 1990 to 2020. We find that these topics can be grouped into four categories: Priceforecasting techniques, financial markets analysis, risk forecasting and financial perspectives. We first describe and structure these topics and then further show how the topic focus has evolved over the last three decades. A notable trend we find is the emergence of text-based machine learning, for example, for sentiment analysis, in recent years. Our study thus provides a structured topography for finance researchers seeking to integrate machine learning research approaches in their exploration of finance phenomena. We also showcase the benefits to finance researchers of the method of probabilistic
EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTWe thank John A. Doukas, the editor, and an anonymous referee of European Financial Management as the study has enormously benefited from their comments. We also thank Muhammad Farooq Ahmad and participants of IFABS 2019, Angers France for their valuable comments. Saqib Aziz and Michael Dowling acknowledge financial assistance from the B<>COM project: Prospect 2030. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and all errors are our own. modeling of topics for deep comprehension of a body of literature.