In this paper, we propose a coding packet group-based ARQ scheme (rNC) for file delivery in wireless networks. rNC assumes multiple network coding points between the source and the destination. Each network coding point gathers and codes a group of packets according to the queue polling system. A queue polling system makes a few or several packets available for coding in a queue while polling the other queues in the system. Thus, we assuem a queue polling system at each network coding point. We call this group of packets as coded packet group. Each coding point acknowledges the reception of every code packet group to its previous coding point for reliable delivery. Thus, the intermediate coding points including the source can release its buffer before the packet is delivered to the destination. To guarantee the ultimate file delivery to the destination, the destination sends acknowledgement to the sender. We evaluate our proposed scheme using ns-2 and compare the performance with CodeCast. The results show that rNC works better than CodeCast in terms of packet delivery ratio and control overhead in unreliable wireless networks.※ 본 연구는 미래창조과학부 및 정보통신산업진흥원의 대학 IT연구센터 지원사업의 연구결과로 수행되었음