This paper presents a design and realization of 1080i Full-HD telepresence system by using commercialized mobile device and smart device. The existing telepresence system could establish Full-HD video for efficient transmission with exclusive H/W en-and de-coder and high-priced device. However, this technology realizes transmitter by using a camera of commonly-used smart phone for encoding Full-HD video, without expensive camera. Then, it realizes the video with decoder for Full-HD video by using low-price Android STB in order to output the video on large-sized screen. In addition, this technology puts various devices having totally different functions each other into one video call system by defining API (Application Program Interface) for video call, in a bid to secure efficient control structure from the combination between totally-different type of device. This paper describes general call processing system for video call, the way how to make it interwork through smart device and the way how to make it apply and realize on smart device.