The paper describes the study of solar flare effects (sfe) on horizontal (H ), eastward (Y ) and vertical (Z ) components of the geomagnetic field at the Indo-USSR chain of magnetic observatories extending from the magnetic latitudes 0• to 45• N, a network not available any where else in the world. Events are selected when strong, normal and reversed (counter) equatorial electrojet are in existence as well as when only a partial counter electrojet is present.During a strong and normal electrojet event time, sfe consists of a positive impulse in H at all stations, the amplitude of H following the latitudinal variation similar to that of the quiet day monthly mean, Sq (H ). The sfe in Y is negative at all the stations. Sfe in Z shows positive impulse at the four-electrojet stations and negative at other stations. During a counter electrojet period the effect of solar flare on H field is negative impulse at electrojet stations, positive at low latitude and again negative at stations north of Sq focus. Sfe in Y is small at all the equatorial and negative at higher latitude stations. However, sfe (Z ) is negative at the equatorial latitudes.During a partial counter electrojet period the observed effect is the combination of an increase of the planetary current component and the decrease of the electrojet component, giving rise to a negative impulse in H at equatorial stations and a positive impulse in H , increasing with increasing distance from the equator. These results are presented and discussed.