Let S 2 be the set of integer squares. We show that the dimension d of a Hilbert cube a 0 + {0, a 1 } + · · · + {0, a d } ⊂ S 2 is bounded by d = O(log log N ).
Letdenote a Hilbert cube of dimension d. Brown, Erdős and Freedman [2] asked whether the maximal dimension of a Hilbert cube in the set of squares is absolutely bounded or not. Experimentally, one finds only very small cubes such asObserve that in this example 29 2 and 37 2 occur as sums in two different ways. Cilleruelo and Granville [3] and Solymosi [15] and Alon, Angel, Benjamini and Lubetzky [1] explain that the Bombieri-Lang conjecture implies that d is absolutely bounded. Hegyvári and Sárközy ([11], Theorem 1) proved that for the set of integer squares S 2 ∩ [1, N ] the maximal dimension is bounded by d = O((log N ) 1/3 ). Dietmann and Elsholtz ([7], Theorem 3) improved this to d = O((log log N ) 2 ). Here we further reduce that bound.Theorem 1 (Main theorem). Let S 2 denote the set of integer squares. Let N be sufficiently large, let a 0 be a non-negative integer and let A = {a 1 , . . . , a d } be a set of distinct positive integers such that H(a 0 ; a 1 , . . . , a d ) ⊆ S 2 ∩ [1, N ]. Then d ≤ 7 log log N.A comparable bound was proved in the author's earlier paper ([7], Theorem 1) for higher powers instead of squares.Remark. The special case of subsetsums, i.e. Hilbert cubes with a 0 = 0, was previously studied by Csikvári ([5], Corollary 2.5), who proved in this case the same bound d = O(log log N ). His method of proof would not extend to the general case of a 0 = 0.Corollary 1. Let f (x) = ax 2 + bx + c be a quadratic polynomial where a, b, c ∈ Z such that a > 0, and let S = {f (x) : x ∈ N}. Let a 0 be a non-negative integer and