Aim: To find the effect of aerobic exercise training on energy expenditure by physiological cost index in obese individuals.Background: Obese individual tend to expend more energy in any particular task as compared to normal weight individuals.Aerobic exercise has been the subject of investigation to improve energy expenditure.
Methodology:This was an experimental pre/post study. 30 obese individuals between the age group of 18-28 years were included in the study. All the 30 individuals were divided in a group of 5 each. The difference of pre to post PCI week 1 of each subjects was calculated before the exercise programme. The individuals then underwent a group aerobic exercise training,training was imparted for 3 days for 4 consecutive weeks. The training program included warm up, training phase and cool down. The difference of pre to post PCI week 4 was then calculated. The data was statistically analyzed using student paired t test.Results: Aerobic exercise showed a significant decrease in the physiological coast index after 4 weeks. (p = <0.0001*).
Conclusion:A 4 week aerobic exercise training is effective in improving energy expenditure in obese individuals.