The present research tries to describe the distribution of the sensible based on Jacques Ranciere's perspectives in Harry Potter Saga. The term distribution of the sensible is firsly proposed by Ranciere which gives attention to how the subject is placed in a certain position of the social structure. The description about politics domain and literature domain will be explained in this research along with some additional data such as dialogues and scenes from the movies. This research will be done through some stages; starting from collecting the data, classifying the data, processing the data, and describing the whole data into paragraph. The main subject who will be described in this research is Hermione Granger, a girl who comes from an ordinary little family (mud blood) and was choosen to become a student in Hogwarts Magic School. The conflict between stereotype of that school of wizard only exists for pure blood becomes the conflict occurred in the police. This research elaborates the position of the subject in a social structure and the action in which the subject does reach the equality in Harry Potter Saga by considering the aspects of action, thought, and feeling. The result shows that the distribution of the sensible in Harry Potter Saga is based on the social structure. The differences of social classes are also explained by the actors and actresses in the whole movies based on the purity of the blood (pure blood, half blood, and mud blood). Hermione Granger as the subject succeed in doing the act of equality within social hierarchy by keeping herself present in the classrom with other friends. n addition, subject dares to do the resistance through Draco Malfoy (pure blood wizard) and Lav (half blood witch).