The objective of this research was to examine the form and meaning of written language used in social media as a means to communicate between users of social media. It was a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through observation and document study. The data analysis and interpretation indicates that there are five forms of discourse used by the Facebookers they are descriptive form, narrative form, exposition form, argumentative form, and persuasive form. There are also six styles of meaning they are denotative, connotative, idiom, synonym, antonym, and ambiguity. The finding indicated that the user of Facebook tended to use those form and meaning of written language to express their feeling. Keywords-form, meaning, and social media I. INTRODUCTION Cyberspace is now a new world for some people, the presence of it cannot be avoided. It was American Defense Department in the mid of 1970s first developed to connect people and data among them. After 1990s it began to develop and influence many people around the world. Nowadays, internet is very easy to access, it was different from the condition several years ago where people can only access internet through certain places like internet café and internet shop. But now everybody can access internet from their home even from their hand by using smart phones. Internet grows rapidly after becoming means of mass communication, in this case social media become the main means of communication for all people starting from students, businessman, actor/actress, official, politicians of course with their own purposes.Social media has become a medium for communication between users of social media and is done online.(Kholmogorova AB 2016) in her research about internet communication stated that adult and adolescence prefer to do an interface communication through social media. Social media enable people to interact with each other without being limited by space and time. Through social media everyone can communicate using text, picture, voice, and even video. Another research by Mukhlishin about language style in Facebook communication special for male actor in Malang City and the result showed that male actors in Malang city tended to use personification language style and simile (Mukhlishin, 2016) in Mukhlishin's research the focus on how language style used to communicate in Facebook specially among the actor and the relationship with this research was the form and meaning in personification language style used in those communication. It was different from Mukhlishin another research done by Lilimiwirdi focus on the use of language for teenagers in