Blockchain systems are lauded for their security and reliability. Security is a cornerstone, as they employ cryptographic techniques to ensure the immutability of data, making it extremely resistant to tampering. With decentralized networks, they also reduce the risk of a single point of failure, enhancing reliability. Model checking plays a vital role in ensuring the security and reliability of blockchain systems. However, traditional model-checking approaches face challenges in handling the inherent dynamism exhibited in blockchain systems. To overcome this challenge, Aspect-Oriented programming (AOP) offers capabilities to enhance blockchain model checking through the modularization of cross-cutting concerns, enabling traceability and monitoring, facilitating dynamic instrumentation, and supporting fine-grained property specifications. The aim of this research is to enable more effective and efficient verification of dynamic behaviors in blockchain systems compared to conventional model-checking techniques using AOP. As a result, this research introduces BlockASP, a novel blockchain model verification method that leverages AOP to analyze and monitor dynamic behavior of the blockchain system. BlockASP integrates the benefits of aspect-orientation and model checking into the blockchain architecture to strengthen security and reliability. This research has examined prior arts that are related to blockchain modeling using Objectoriented (OO) and those that are using AOP. Our research has proposed and discussed the BlockASP technique, the research provided a case study to demonstrate the validity and superiority in facilitating the monitoring of dynamic blockchain behavior using AOP compared to traditional approaches such as Model-Driven Architecture (MDA).