Let O K be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristics p0, pq, with residue field k. Using work of Sekiguchi and Suwa, we construct some finite flat O K -models of the group scheme µ p n ,K of p n -th roots of unity, which we call Kummer group schemes. We carefully set out the general framework and algebraic properties of this construction. When k is perfect and O K is a complete totally ramified extension of the ring of Witt vectors W pkq, we provide a parallel study of the Breuil-Kisin modules of finite flat models of µ p n ,K , in such a way that the construction of Kummer groups and Breuil-Kisin modules can be compared. We compute these objects for n ď 3. This leads us to conjecture that all finite flat models of µ p n ,K are Kummer group schemes.