In July 2007, DARPA issued a Broad Agency Announcement for the development of System F6, a flight demonstration of an architecture in which the functionality of a traditional monolithic satellite is fulfilled with a fractionated cluster of free-flying, wirelessly interconnected modules. Given the large number of possible architectural options, two challenges facing systems analysis of F6 are (1) the ability to enumerate the many potential candidate fractionated architectures and (2) the ability to analyze and quantify the cost and benefits of each architecture. One element necessary in enabling a probabilistic, valuecentric analysis of such fractionated architectures is a systematic method for sizing and costing the many candidate architectures that arise. The Georgia Tech F6 Architecture Synthesis Tool (GT-FAST) is a point design tool designed to fulfill this need by allowing rapid, automated sizing and synthesis of candidate F6 architectures. This paper presents the internal mechanics and some illustrative applications of GT-FAST. Discussed are the manner in which GT-FAST fractionated designs are specified, including discrete and continuous-variable inputs, as well as the methods, models, and assumptions used in estimating elements of mass, power, and cost. Finally, the paper concludes with sample outputs from GT-FAST for a notional fractionated architecture, an example of GT-FAST's trade study capability, and a partial validation of GT-FAST against the Jason-2 and TIMED satellites. The ease with which GT-FAST can be adapted to new fractionated spacecraft applications is highlighted, and avenues for potential future expansion of GT-FAST are discussed.
NomenclatureC add/replace = average cost of adding or replacing component P = total power requirement C i,existing = cost of adding component via an existing module t = time on-orbit C i,separate = cost of adding component via a dedicated module V = average orbital velocity f 100 = smoothing function near 100 W power boundary β = average ballistic coefficient f 500 = smoothing function near 500 W power boundary ∆V = velocity change requirement n = number of fractionatable components in architecture ρ = average atmospheric density