Precision comparisons of different atomic frequency standards over a period of a few years can be used for a sensitive search for temporal variations of fundamental constants. We present recent frequency measurements of the 688 THz transition in the 171 Yb + ion. For this transition frequency a record over six years is now available, showing that a possible frequency drift relative to a cesium clock can be constrained to (−0.54 ± 0.97) Hz/yr, i.e. at the level of 2 · 10 −15 per year. Combined with precision frequency measurements of an optical frequency in 199 Hg + and of the hyperfine ground state splitting in 87 Rb a stringent limit on temporal variations of the fine structure constant α: d ln α/dt = (−0.26 ± 0.39) · 10 −15 yr −1 and a model-dependent limit for variations of the proton-to-electron mass ratio µ in the present epoch can be derived:−15 yr −1 . We discuss these results in the context of astrophysical observations that apparently indicate changes in both of these constants over the last 5-10 billion years.
Search for variations of constants in astrophysics and with atomic clocksOver the past few years there has been great interest in the possibility that the fundamental constants of nature might show temporal variations over cosmological time scales [1,2,3,4,5]. Such an effect -as incompatible as it seems with the present foundations of physics -appears quite naturally in the attempt to find a unified theory of the fundamental interactions. An active search for an indication of variable constants is pursued mainly in two areas: observational astrophysics and laboratory experiments with atomic frequency standards. The two most important quantities under test are Sommerfeld's fine structure constant α = e 2 /(4πǫ 0h c) and the proton-to-electron mass ratio µ = m p /m e . While α is the coupling constant of the electromagnetic interaction, µ also depends on the strength of the strong force and on the quark masses via the proton mass. It is important that these quantities are dimensionless numbers so that results can be interpreted independently from the conventions of a specific system of units. Quite conveniently, both constants appear prominently in atomic and molecular transition energies: α in atomic fine structure splittings and other relativistic contributions, and µ in molecular vibration and rotation frequencies as well as in hyperfine structure.A multitude of data on variations of α and µ has been obtained from astrophysical observations but the present picture that is obtained is not completely consistent: Evidence for a variation of α has been derived from a shift of wavelengths of metal ion absorption lines produced by interstellar clouds in the light from distant quasars [6]. These observations suggest that about 10 billion years ago (redshift range 0.5 < z < 3.5), the value of α was 1