It has been studied that galaxy halos evolve following a typical trajectory on a phase space under the influence of deep gravitational potential of clusters. Similarly, the large-scale filaments could also affect the evolution of halos before falling into the clusters. In this study, using the suite of dark matter only cosmological simulations called 𝑁-cluster run, we explore the evolution of halos driven by large-scale filaments in phase space. We find that halos around filaments exhibit phase-space trajectories with similarities as galaxies in clusters. We analyze this phase-space trajectory by exploring correlations between halos' initial position, velocity, formation time, and maximum velocity. We also examine the mass evolution of halos as they become filament halos. It turns out that halos tend to grow their mass when they first approach filaments, but the mass growth slows down around the closest approach to filaments. Around denser filaments, halos can undergo mild mass loss while they sink into filaments. Finally we explain the mass segregation around filaments in observations with halo age and dynamical friction.