A problem of car insurance frauds usually refers to reporting non-existent car crash circumstances to acquire the funds required for a car repair. However, the problem is not limited only to this kind of costs. Recently, numerous damage claims connected with spine trauma caused by rear-end collisions have been reported. These are the so-called whiplash injuries caused by a rear impact. Such damage is difficult to verify and hence a necessity to use more effective claim verification methods. An analysis of a collision in the SDC convention makes it possible to determine whether its circumstances were consistent with the reports of drivers involved in it. The aim of the analysis presented in this article has been to determine a possibility of using SRS-AIRBAG activation parameters to determine, with the SDC method, whether the circumstances of a collision reported were consistent with those responsible for a whiplash injury. The article provides an analysis of a series of rear-end collisions of vehicles moving in a column. The results have proven that the SDC procedure can be applied to verify the probability of a whiplash injury. With the above, this study is both academic and practical, and the results can provide benefits to vehicle collision researchers, experts, and students.