Using new and emerging technologies in education can increase student engagement and support teaching methods. However, using any technological tool requires prior knowledge and understanding, especially in education. An online survey was used to gather data on product design students' knowledge of Virtual Reality (VR) technology. As a case study, this survey will examine how the use of Virtual Reality technology can impact the product design development process and design thinking. A questionnaire was distributed to product design students as part of a mixed method approach. Students' views on common design solution development practices and Virtual Reality technology were quantified and analysed through open-ended and closed-ended questions. The survey revealed students' preferred modelling and rendering software, sketching methods, level of detail in sketches, prototyping materials and tools, assessment modes and aspects. The questionnaire also assessed students' knowledge of VR and their perceptions of its utility in product design. In product/industrial design education, high student awareness of technology indicates a bright future.