“…IFN-β1b: SC, 8 MIU on Days 1, 3, 6 WHO solidarity trial. 2020 (NCT04315948) [ 21 ] | Open-label RCT | Hospitalised adults with COVID-19 | IFN-β1a + LPV/r + SOC | SOC + LPV/r | 1 o Mortality 2 o Initiation of mechanical ventilation, duration of hospitalisation | SC, 44 mcg, on Days 1, 3 & 6 IV, 10 mcg daily for 6 days |
Darazam et al 2021 (NCT04521400) [ 22 ] | RCT | Hospitalised adults with COVID-19 | IFN-β1a (high dose) + LPV/r + SOC | IFN-β1a (low dose) + LPV/r + SOC | 1 o Time to clinical improvement 2 o Mortality | SC, 88 mcg (24 MIU) on days 1, 3, 6 SC, 44 mcg (12 MIU) on Days 1, 3, 6 |
1 o Primary outcome, 2 o Secondary outcome ATV/r atazanavir and ritonavir combination, COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019, HCQ hydroxychloroquine, IFN interferon, IU International Unit, IV intravenous, LPV/r lopinavir and ritonavir combination, mcg microgram, MIU million/mega International Unit, RCT randomized controlled trial, SC subcutaneous, SOC standard of care a LPV/r[ 10 ] b Local standard of care[ 16 ] c + LPV/r or ATV/r + HCQ for 7–10 days [ 18 , 19 ] d LPV/r + HCQ single dose[ 20 ] …”