Field tests were conducted on Soutra Hill (1,100 ft. above M.S.L.) in the winters of 1953–4 and 1954–5 to find a suitable larvicide for controlling Culicoides impunctatus Goetgh. In one trial, four formulations (wettable powder, water-miscible concentrate, oil solution and dust) of DDT and γ BHC were applied to plots (10 × 10 yd.) at dosages of 3, 12, 50 and 200 mg. p.p′DDT or γ BHC/sq. ft., except for the γ BHC dust which was applied at 3, 6, 12 and 25 mg. γ BHC/sq. ft. In a second trial, the larvicidal properties of aldrin, dieldrin and malathion wettable powders, chlordane water-miscible concentrate and malathion emulsi-fiable liquid were investigated at three or four of the following dosages —3, 6, 12. 25 and 50 mg./sq. ft. The conclusions to be drawn from these trials were:—1. DDT was superior to γ BHC at all dosages and in all formulations both in immediate and residual effects.2. For immediate larval control, DDT and γ BHC wettable powders and DDT water-miscible concentrate were effective but γ BHC water-miscible concentrate was relatively ineffective.3. Although all the DDT preparations were effective as residual larvicides, the wettable powder was the most successful.4. For immediate larval control a dosage of 200 mg. p, p′DDT or γ BHC is required. The effect produced by 50 mg./sq. ft. is variable.5. For residual larvicidal action a dosage of 50 mg./sq. ft. is required although 12 mg./sq. ft. may sometimes be effective.6. Both preparations of malathion reduced the initial larval density by just over half but they had no residual effect.7. Chlordane and aldrin achieved an immediate larval reduction of one third but whereas chlordane had a greater residual effect, aldrin was ineffective.8. Dieldrin had very little immediate (20 per cent. control) but considerable residual effect (72 per cent. control).9. Wettable powders are the most successful larvicidal preparations.10. DDT and γ BHC wettable powders at 50 mg. p, p′DDT or γ BHC/sq. ft. are superior to chlordane at the same dosage and slightly better than dieldrin at 25 mg./sq. ft.