By way of a questionnaire concerning 155,620 elementary and junior high school pupils (aged 6‐14), we investigated for the first time in Japan the prevalence rate of inguinal hernia in children and its spontaneous cure.
Of the 76,425 male and 79,195 female children surveyed, inguinal hernia was found in 6,523 (8.53%) boys and 2,975 (3.75%) girls. In total, the prevalence rate was 6.10% with a male/female ratio of 7:3.
Of the 6,523 boys who had or had had inguinal hernia, 3,425 had undergone surgery. Of the remaining 3,098 unoperated male patients, 1,160 was cured with a hernia band and 1,140 showed spontaneous cure. The rate of cure without surgery in all the male patients was 35.26%.
In girls, 1,198 of the 2,975 subjects having inguinal hernia at the time of the survey or in the past had undergone surgery. Of the remaining 1,777 unoperated patients, 369 recovered with a hernia band and 677 showed spontaneous cure. Thus, 35.16% of all the female patients were cured of the condition without surgery.