“…Eosinophilic deposits that display the tinetorial characteristics of amyloid in the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT) have been subjected to numerous investigations at the light and electron-microscopical level with inconclusive results (Vickers et al 1965, Ranlov & Pindborg 1966, Gardner et al 1968, Anderson et al 1969, Chaudhry et al 1972, Solomon et al 1975, Page et al 1975. The most recent study by Franklin et al (1981), using histological, histochemical, immunologieal and biochemical methods, confirmed that the material gave positive reactions with Congo red, thioflavine T, and was positive for tryptophan and negative for tyrosine. A major protein of molecular weight 9,800 was purified from the tumour and amino-acid analysis showed similarities to tuft-enamel protein, immune amyloid, and the variable light-chain component.…”