The study was conducted to examine the ECE teachers’ pedagogicalskills, availability of required resources in ECE centers run by Aga KhanEducation Service (AKES) in the District of Gilgit implementing EarlyChildhood Education (ECE) curriculum 2007. It was a descriptive studyand conducted by following a sequential explanatory mixed-methoddesign to collect the data. The population of the study was students,teachers, and heads of ECE centers run by Aga Khan Education Servicesin Districts of Gilgit. A semi-structured interview was designed on basisof the responses of ECE teachers and the results of the observationalLikert scale of ECE teachers. The major findings of the study revealedthat ECE teachers were facing problems in implementing the Nationalcurriculum 2007 due to overcrowded classrooms, insufficient teachingresources material, and lack of open space in the ECE setting. Thefinding of the study also exposed that ECE teachers were not behavinggently and were not providing individual attention to every child at ECEcenters. However it was also revealed that the ECE teachers wereapplying daily routine, lesson review activities, and activity-basedmethods to improve their language skills. The study recommends for theprovision of necessary ECE learning resources, standardized childteacher ratio, teachers training, collaboration, and communicationbetween the ECE teachers and parents to a successful implementation ofthe ECE curriculum 2007