The purpose of this research was to evaluate the possibility of sustainable development of online advertisements conducted by fashion companies. Factors composed of sustainable development indexes of online advertisement that had been developed in previous studies were identified, and then the relevance between purchase intention and advertisement experience was evaluated. An online survey of 573 persons in the 20 to 40 age range who own mobile phone and have experienced online advertisements of a fashion brand or a fashion company was conducted. The data collected from the survey and the results are as follows. First, the validity and reliability from confirmatory factor analysis of six factors (namely, personal information protection, web use infringement, advertisement expression harmfulness, advertisement expression objectivity, emotional responsibility, and environment-friendly) and 21 questions was confirmed. Second, it confirmed that consumers gave low points to the evaluation of sustainable development indexes of online advertisement of fashion companies. In particular, that consumers gave low points with regard to both environmental friendliness and web use infringement. Third, it was identified that personal indexes such as personal information protection, web use infringement, and indexes relating to advertisement expressions do not directly influence the consumer's purchase intention. However, social indexes like emotional responsibility and environmental friendliness do have an influence on the consumer's positive action intention.
Keywords :지속가능발전 지표 온라인 sustainable development index( ), on-line fashion advertising( 패션광고 구매 의도 온라인광고 경험 ), purchase intention( ), on-line advertising experience( )