An impulse current response to a short laser pulse was measured using a current-voltage converter with a zero input resistance, which enabled us to provide any band bending of a semiconductor electrode under a potentiostatic condition. The current transient can monitor a net charge-transfer process across a semiconductor-electrolyte interface because the external resistance is almost zero. The current transient was found to be characterized by a relaxation time r = (Rth + RSOI)CSC where R, R514, and C, are the diffuse double-layer resistance, the solution resistance, and the depletion layer capacitance of the semiconductor. C,, obtained from the analysis of the current transient gave an ideal Mott-Schottky plot. By intentionally increasing the diffuse layer thickness with which Rdl and then r increase, the dynamics of protons generated as an oxidation product of water was confirmed to be monitored from the current transient.