In this investigation, ceramic oxide powders, alumina, titania, chromia, alumina-titania, alumina-chromia and titania-chromia, were coated for a thickness of 200 μm on an AISI 1040 forged steel substrate by means of an atmospheric plasma spraying method. Ni-Cr was used as an intermediate bond coat of thickness 20 μm over the substrate to improve the coating adhesion. Pin-on-disc apparatus was employed for a dry wear test as per the American Society for Testing and Materials G99 standards for a constant load of 10 N, at different sliding distances of 1000 m, 2000 m and 3000 m, respectively. The investigation shows that the microstructure, coating thickness, porosity, surface roughness and hardness influence the wear rate. Before and after the wear tests, surface roughness measurements were carried out by using a talysurf instrument on the specimens. It is shown that the highest value (20.89 μm) was obtained for the coating of alumina-titania. The practical results show that the pure chromia coated specimen has a very good wear-resistance property compared to the ceramic oxides. This suggests that surface coating with pure chromia on the top mill roll shaft of sugar industries enhanced the wear resistance. Keywords: alumina, titania, chromia, atmospheric plasma spray, pin-on-disc, wear, Talysurf profilometer V raziskavi so bili oksidni pra{ki: glinica, titan, krom, aluminijev oksid, aluminij-krom, prevle~eni z 200 μm na AISI 1040 podlago kovanega jekla z metodo napr{evanja s plazmo. Ni-Cr smo uporabili kot vmesni vezni premaz z debelino 20 μm nad podlago za izbolj{anje oprijemljivosti prevleke. Pin-on-disk aparat je bila uporabljen za preskus suhe obrabe, v skladu s standardi G99 Ameri{kega zdru`enja za testiranje in materiale, s konstantno obremenitvijo 10 N, na razli~nih drsnih razdaljah 1000 m, 2000 m in 3000 m. Preiskava je pokazala, da so mikrostruktura, debelina prevleke, poroznost, povr{inska hrapavost in trdota vplivali na stopnjo obrabe. Pred in po testih obrabe, so bile meritve vzorcev povr{inske hrapavosti izvedene z uporabo Talysurf instrumenta. Izkazalo se je, da je najve~ja vrednost (20,89 μm), pridobljena s prevleko iz aluminijevega oksida-titanovega dioksida. Prakti~ni rezultati ka`ejo, da ima s~istim kromom prevle~en vzorec zelo dobro odpornost na obrabo kot tisti s kerami~nimi oksidi. Ka`e, da povr{inska prevleka s~istim kromom na zgornji gredi mlina v sladkorni industriji pove~a odpornost proti obrabi.