As an increasing highly mobility and high traffic, the necessary of motorcycle is highly increasing. The condition makes user ride motorcycle with highly speed in highly frequency. Then, these conditions make motorcycle machine reliability is highly decreasing. Finally, it made machine is run to damage and maintenance cost to be high. Analog tachometer is an electronic instrumentation that proposed to solve these problems. Actually, instrumentation system of tachometer is an electromechanical system. A wire in a control unit is embedded into shaft of crank. Then, magnet in control unit will convert rotary machine energy into electrical energy with d’Arsonval meter. Current sensor and small variable resistor are the kind of sensor that are used in tachometer. Small variable resistor is used for tuning and recalibration. Utilization small variable resistor in tachometer circuit is make calibration and recalibration current sensing of electrical current that rectified by diode. Tachometer for counting rotation per minute (RPM) motorcycle machine is built up. The tachometer has capability to count RPM motorcycle machine 1,000 – 13.000 RPM. The range is reliable as an indicator for user to minimize motorcycle machine wearing.