The existing Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) setup at the HIγS facility at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory at Duke University has been extended in order to perform γ-γ coincidence experiments. The new setup combines large volume LaBr 3 :Ce detectors and high resolution HPGe detectors in a very close geometry to offer high efficiency, high energy resolution as well as high count rate capabilities at the same time. The combination of a highly efficient γ-ray spectroscopy setup with the mono-energetic high-intensity photon beam of HIγS provides a worldwide unique experimental facility to investigate the γ-decay pattern of dipole excitations in atomic nuclei. The performance of the new setup has been assessed by studying the nucleus 32 S at 8.125 MeV beam energy. The relative γ-decay branching ratio from the 1 + level at 8125.4 keV to the first excited 2 + state was determined to 15.7(3) %.