The siphonophores obtained from the day and night series of horizontal hauls made using a 10 ft Isaacs-Kidd mid-water trawl (IKMT) and a i m 2 ring net (N113), off Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, have been identified. Because of the low numbers found in some hauls and the possibility that there was some ' hold-up' of material in the nets themselves, the samples from the oblique parts of the IKMT hauls were also examined for siphonophores. A total of 64 species were identified of which there were 51 calycophoran, 12 physonect and 1 cystonect species.The vertical distributions of most of the calycophoran species have been considered in detail, and, where sufficient numbers were present, their diurnal variations analysed. The overall vertical distributions of the physonect species have been compared but because of the difficulty in relating the individual pieces found in the samples to the number of animals present, no attempts were made to analyse quantitatively any of these data. The possible effects on the results on the timing of the hauls and the absence of the catch-dividing bucket in the shallowest ones are discussed in detail for certain species.