This study focuses on investigating the fabrication of in-situ intermetallic NiTi composites from a powder mixture containing the mass fractions 50 % nickel powder and 50 % titanium powder. The elemental powders were mixed in the stoichiometric ratio corresponding to the NiTi intermetallic molar proportion of 1 : 1, ball-milled and uniaxially compressed under a pressure of 170 MPa. Sintering was then carried out for 15 min in a steel mold using the electric-current-activated sintering method. Electric-current values of 1000 A, 1300 A and 2000 A were used for the sintering while keeping the voltage in the range of 0.9 V to 1.2 V. The phases in the samples were analyzed with XRD and their Vickers hardness was measured as (701 ± 166) HV0.05. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy carried out with a scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS) showed that the microstructures of the samples consist of different phases such as Ti, Ni2Ti3, NiTi2, Ni3Ti and TiO2 as a function of electric current. The XRD analysis also supported the SEM-EDS results. The nano-indentation technique was used to determine the elastic modulus of different phases. Keywords: NiTi intermetallics, electric-current-activated sintering (ECAS), nano-indentation Ta {tudija je usmerjena v preiskavo in situ izdelave intermetalnega NiTi-kompozita iz me{anice prahov z masnima dele`ema 50 % niklja v prahu in 50 % titana v prahu. Obe vrsti prahu sta bili zme{ani v stehiometri~nem razmerju, ki ustreza molskemu razmerju NiTi 1 : 1, zmleti v kroglastem mlinu in enoosno stisnjeni pri tlaku 170 MPa. Petnajstminutno sintranje je bilo izvr{eno v jeklenem kalupu s sintranjem, aktiviranim z elektri~nim tokom. Pri sintranju so bili uporabljeni elektri~ni tokovi 1000 A, 1300 A in 2000 A, medtem ko je bila napetost v obmo~ju med 0,9 V in 1,2 V. Faze v vzorcih so bile dolo~ene z rentgenom (XRD) in izmerjena je bila trdota po Vickersu (701 ± 166) HV0,05. Energijska disperzijska rentgenska spektroskopija (EDS), izvr{ena na vrsti~nem elektronskem mikroskopu (SEM-EDS), je pokazala, da je mikrostruktura vzorcev sestavljena iz razli~nih faz, kot so Ti, Ni2Ti3, NiTi2, Ni3Ti in TiO2, odvisno od elektri~nega toka. XRD-analiza je podprla rezultate, dobljene s SEM-EDS. Elasti~ni modul razli~nih faz je bil dolo~en z nanovtiski. Klju~ne besede: intermetalna zlitina NiTi, sintranje, aktivirano z elektri~nim tokom (ECAS), nanovtiski