In the past few years, one of the largest industries in the world, the agriculture sector, has faced many challenges, such as climate change and the depletion of limited natural resources. Smart Agriculture, based on IoT, is considered a transformative force that will play a crucial role in the further advancement of the agri-food sector. Furthermore, in IoT-based Smart Agriculture systems, radio wave propagation faces unique challenges (such as attenuation in vegetation and soil and multiple reflections) because of sensor nodes deployed in agriculture fields at or slightly above the ground level. In our study, we present, for the first time, several models (Multi-slope, Weissberger, and COST-235) suitable for planning radio coverage in a cornfield for Smart Agriculture applications. We received signal level measurements as a function of distance in a corn field (R3 corn stage) at 0.9 GHz and 2.4 GHz using two transmitting and two receiving antenna heights, with both horizontal and vertical polarization. The results indicate that radio wave propagation in a corn field is influenced not only by the surrounding environment (i.e., corn), but also by the antenna polarization and the positions of the transmitting and receiving antennas relative to the ground.