During infection of⅐AsiA to the lacUV5 promoter.In Escherichia coli RNA polymerase, the core enzyme E (subunit composition ␣ 2 Ј) associates with the subunit to form the holoenzyme E, the species able to initiate transcription at specific promoter sites on bacterial or phage genomes. The nature and properties of the subunit present in a holoenzyme at a given promoter, together with the ability of the ␣-carboxyl-terminal domain (␣-CTD) 1 to recognize an upstream element of the promoter, determine whether and how often transcription will start at this site (1). These principles are nicely illustrated by the regulation of transcription during the development of phage T4 in E. coli. Here, all the phage genes are transcribed by the host RNA polymerase, the structure and molecular properties of which are modified by phagecoded proteins, resulting in the sequential utilization of early, middle, and late promoters (2, 3). Immediately after infection, T4 early promoters, with their bacterium-like Ϫ10 and Ϫ35 recognition sequences, are transcribed by E 70 , the host holoenzyme harboring 70 , the major host factor. T4 middle promoters contain a Ϫ10 element closely matching the Ϫ10 consensus sequence for 70 , but the Ϫ35 element is replaced by a so-called MotA box, a Ϫ30 binding site for the phage-coded middle transcriptional activator MotA (4, 5). In addition to E 70 and MotA, middle mode transcription also requires the presence of another phage early protein, the anti-factor AsiA (6). Upon binding the MotA box, MotA protein activates recognition of middle promoters by a holoenzyme E 70 ⅐AsiA complex (7, 8). Here, AsiA appears to act as a molecular device that switches 70 from the early to the middle class of T4 promoters. Transcription at late promoters is closely coupled with T4 DNA replication and requires a novel T4-encoded subunit, gp55 (9).Because it is a coactivator of transcription from T4 middle promoters and, simultaneously, a transcription inhibitor of bacterial or T4 early promoters (3), AsiA might also be able to cause the rapid arrest of transcription from early promoters, concomitant with the start of MotA-dependent middle transcription. Assigning this function is a long-standing and unresolved question in phage T4 biology (10). It has been recently shown, however, that this transcription shutoff also occurs in the absence of AsiA (11), although the same study confirmed that transcription of E. coli genes is rapidly and strongly inhibited in vivo when AsiA is overproduced.In vitro transcription studies have helped to outline the mechanism of inhibition by AsiA. This 10-kDa protein binds to region 4.2 of 70 . In the E 70 ⅐AsiA complex, this binding blocks the normal interaction between 70 and the Ϫ35 upstream promoter element (12)(13)(14). Although AsiA strongly inhibits open promoter complex formation and transcription by E 70 from a Ϫ10/Ϫ35 promoter like lacUV5 or the T4 early promoter P15.0, the holoenzyme is resistant to AsiA inhibition at promoters that, like galP1, lack a Ϫ35 consensus motif and conta...