Abstract:The study was designed to explore the attitude towards coping of cancer and cardiac patients as related to certain socio-demographic factors like gender and SES. Purposively selected 360 respondents constituted the sample of the present study. Attitude towards Coping Scale (Rahman, 2010) was used for the collection of data. The sample was equally divided into three categories (cancer. cardiac, normal) on the basis of type of individuals (N=120 for each category).Again they were equally subdivided into male and female on the basis of gender (N=60 for each group).Each category was again equally subdivided into lower middle and upper middle on the basis of SES (N=30 for each group). Results analyzed through ANOVA revealed that the main effects for type of individuals, gender and SES were statistically significant. That is, both cancer and cardiac patients expressed lower coping attitudes as compared to normal individuals, females expressed lower coping attitudes as compared to males and lower middle SES individuals expressed lower coping attitudes as compared to upper middle SES. Again the two way interactions between type of individuals and gender, and type of individual and SES were statistically significant.
Key Words:Coping, type of individuals, socio economic status, gender, cancer, cardiac.mvisk: Av_© -mvgvwRK wewfboe Dcv`vb †hgb: wj½ Ges Av_© -mvgvwRK Ae¯' vi †cÖ w ¶ ‡Z K¨vÝvi Ges KvwW© qvK Avµvš- †ivMx ‡`i †gvKv ‡ejvag© x g ‡bvfve hvPvB ‡qi Rb¨ eZ© gvb M ‡elYvwU Kiv nq| D ‡Ïk¨gjKfv ‡e wbe© vwPZ 360 Rb DËi`vZv ‡K M ‡elYvi bgy bv wnmv ‡e †bqv nq| DcvË msMÖ ‡ni Rb¨ †gvKv ‡ejvag© x g ‡bvfve gvcK (ingvb, 2010) e¨eüZ nq| e¨w³i aib (K¨vÝvi, KvwW© qvK, ¯vfvweK) Gi Dci wfwË K ‡i bgy bv ‡K wZbwU K¨vUvMwi ‡Z fvM Kiv nq (cÖ wZ ` ‡j 120 Rb)| Gici Zv ‡`i ‡K wj ‡½i wfwË ‡Z `y Õfv ‡M ( †Q ‡j = 60 Rb, †g ‡q = 60 Rb) fvM Kiv nq| Avevi, Zv ‡`i ‡K Av_© -mvgvwRK Ae¯' vby hvqx wbgoe ga¨weË I D"P ga¨weË (cÖ wZ ` ‡j 30 Rb K ‡i) G `y Õfv ‡M fvM Kiv nq| †f`vsK we ‡k− lY Øviv cÖ vß djvdj †_ ‡K †`Lv hvq, e¨w³i aiY, wj½ Ges Av_© -mvgvwRK Ae¯' vi gy L¨ cÖ fve cwimsL¨vwbKfv ‡e Zvrch© cỸ© n ‡q ‡Q| K¨vÝvi Ges KvwW© qvK Dfq †ivMxivB ¯vfvweK e¨w³ ‡`i Zz jbvq Kg †gvKv ‡ejvag© x g ‡bvfvM †cvlY K ‡i, †g ‡qiv †Q ‡j ‡`i Zz jbvq Kg †gvKv ‡ejvag© x g ‡bvfve †cvlY K ‡i, wbgoe ga¨weËiv D"Pga¨weË ‡`i Zz jbvq Kg †gvKv ‡ejvag© x g ‡bvfve †cvlY K ‡i| Avevi, e¨w³i aiY I wj½ Ges e¨w³i aiY I Av_© -mvgvwRK Ae¯' vi wØ-gy Lx cvi¯úwiK cÖ fvemgñI cwimsL¨vwbKfv ‡e Zvrch© cỸ© n ‡q ‡Q|