Abstract:Magnetic field reconnection is believed to play a fundamental role in magnetized plasma systems throughout the universe 1 , including planetary magnetospheres, magnetars, and accretion discs around black holes. This letter presents extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray observations of a solar flare showing magnetic reconnection with a level of clarity not previously achieved. The multi-wavelength EUV observations from SDO/AIA show inflowing cool loops and newly formed, outflowing hot loops, as predicted. RHESSI X-ray spectra and images simultaneously show the appearance of plasma heated to >10 MK at the expected locations. These two data sets provide solid visual evidence of magnetic reconnection producing a solar flare, validating the basic physical mechanism of popular flare models. However, new features are also observed that need to be included in reconnection and flare studies, such as 3D non-uniform, non-steady, and asymmetric evolution.
Main Text:The early concept of magnetic reconnection was proposed in the 1940s 1 to explain energy release in solar flares, the most powerful explosive phenomena in the solar system. The reconnection process reconfigures the field topology and converts magnetic energy to thermal energy, mass motions, and particle acceleration. The theories and related numerical simulations, especially 3D modelling, are still subjects of extensive research to obtain a full understanding of the process under different conditions. Meanwhile, observational studies have made progress in finding evidence of reconnection and deriving its physical properties to constrain and improve the theories.In-situ measurements of the magnetic field, plasma parameters, and particle distributions have shown the existence of magnetic reconnection in laboratory plasmas 2, 3 , fusion facilities, and magnetospheres of planets 4,5 . Such in-situ measurements are still not possible in the extremely hot solar atmosphere. Instead, observations are obtained through remote sensing of emissions across the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio to X rays and gamma rays.However, in the corona 6 the magnetic field pressure dominates the plasma pressure (low plasma beta) and the magnetic flux is "frozen into" the highly conductive plasma. As a result, the emitting plasma trapped in coronal loops outlines the geometry of the magnetic field and their structural changes reflect the changes of the field connectivity (in general). Considerable pieces of evidence for features likely linked to reconnection in solar flares 7,8 and coronal mass ejections (CMEs 9 ) have been obtained so far. These include signatures of plasma inflow/outflow 10-14 , hot cusp structures 15 , current sheets [16][17][18] , fast-mode standing shocks 19 , and plasmoid ejection 20 .However, most evidence has been indirect and fragmented. Detailed observations of the complete picture are still missing due to the highly dynamic flare/CME process and limited observational capabilities.The launch of the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO 21 ) in 2010 sign...