The present study is a computed tomography (CT)-based topographic analysis of cerebral stroke that constitutes the distribution of infarction and hemorrhage with respect to different neuro-anatomical structures. CT scanning is the easily affordable technique in India for the accurate diagnosis of cerebral stroke.
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the incidence of brain stroke by CT scan in patients with cerebrovascular accidents.
Subjects and Methods:
Patients with cerebrovascular accidents were subjected to CT scan of the head using GE Revolution ACTs 16 slice multi-detector row CT scanners, slice thickness – 2 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm and matrix size of 512 × 512. The incidence of stroke in patients over 20 years of age at SCB Medical College was evaluated during the period 2019–2021. The incidence of stroke was studied according to age, sex, and stroke subtype with arterial involvement.
The topography of brain infarction was highly variable with all regions of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. There were 190 ischemic and 106 hemorrhagic stroke cases out of 296 patients. The mean age was 55.28 ± 12.73 years. Maximum stroke cases were seen in the age group of 41–60 years and 61–80 years of age. The most common site was basal ganglia 112 (37.83%) and common arterial involvement was MCA 161 (54.4%) with statistical significance (P < 0.05).
The incidence of stroke rises with age and has its peak in the highly productive age group of 40–60 years of age. The findings of the present study will be helpful to young doctors for proper diagnosis and treatment.