Fusarium wilt, a devastating disease, poses a significant global threat to the banana industry. This study is aimed to assess the host susceptibility and pathogenicity of Fusarium isolates in tissue-cultured Nendran and Grand Naine banana varieties. Eight isolates were acquired from the Department of Plant Biotechnology at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Among the eight isolates tested, S-6, S-32G, S-56 and S-67 produced disease symptoms in both Nendran and Grand Naine varieties. Subsequently, the pathogen was reisolated from infected tissues displaying vascular discoloration. While the isolate S-6 produced 66.67% of disease incidence in both the varieties, S-32G, S-56 and S-67 produced 100% disease incidence in Nendran and Grand Naine. Molecular analysis confirmed the presence of the Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense pathogen, with an amplicon observed at 260 bp. Furthermore, non-pathogenic isolates may potentially exert direct or indirect effects on pathogenic strains, offering prospects for disease control.