This work investigates the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for optimal Reactive power Compensation Planning (RCP) of practical pow er systems. In particular, RCP of the transmission system of England and Wales as owned and operated by National Grid is considered. The GA is used to simultaneously solve both the siting problem -optimisation of the installation of new devices -and the operational problem -optimisation of preventive transformer taps and the controller characteristics of dynamic compensation devices.A computer package called Genetic Compensation Placement (GCP) has been developed which uses an Integer coded GA (IGA) to solve the RCP problem.The RCP problem is implemented as a multi-objective optimisation: in the interests of security, the num ber of system and operational constraint violations and the deviation of the busbar voltages from the ideal are all minimised for the base (intact) case and the contingent cases. In the interests of cost reduction, the reactive pow er cost is minimised for the base case.The reactive pow er cost encompasses the costs incurred from the installation of reactive pow er sources and the utilisation of new and existing dynamic reactive pow er compensation devices.
GCP is compared to SCORPION (a planning program currently being used byNational Grid) which uses a combination of linear program m ing and heuristic back-tracking. Results are presented for a practical test system developed w ith the cooperation of National Grid, and it is found that GCP produces solutions that are cheaper than solutions found by SCORPION and perform extremely well: an improvement in voltage profiles, a decrease in complex pow er mismatches, and a reduction in M Volt Amps-reactive (VAr) utilisation were observed. I w ould also like to thank two of the most fantastic people I know: m y M um and Dad, Jenny and Derek. Their unwavering enthusiasm, support, assistance and friendship will always be an inspiration to me.Thank you Becca, your love and support has been my strength. James, Matt! Gonna miss living w ith you two, thanks for a great time. N ot forgetting the