The purpose of this study was to examine the test-retest reliability and minimal detectable change (MDC) of reach distance and movement angle analyses using Image J. [Participants and Methods] Thirtyeight healthy young males performed the functional reach test (FRT) twice, and their reach movements were recorded using a digital video camera. Image J was used to combine the digital photographs taken at the start position and maximum reach and to measure each movement. The measurements recorded were the movement distance of the third metacarpal bone (reach distance), anterior-superior iliac spine, and trochanter major, and the angles recorded were the acromion-malleolus lateralis, acromion-trochanter major, and trochanter major-malleolus lateralis. The reliability of all the measurements was analyzed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), Bland-Altman plots, and MDCs. [Results] The ICCs (1, 1) were >0.80 for all the outcomes. The Bland-Altman analysis revealed no systematic bias in any outcome. The MDC of reach distance was 18.3 mm. [Conclusion] Measurement using Image J for reach distance and movement angles in the FRT showed acceptable high test-retest reliability. Measurement of the FRT and the MDC calculated in this study could be used as a reference for further research.