The human -globin genes constitute a large chromosomal domain that is developmentally regulated. In nonerythroid cells, these genes replicate late in S phase, while in erythroid cells, replication is early. The replication origin is packaged with acetylated histones in erythroid cells, yet is associated with deacetylated histones in nonerythroid cells. Recruitment of histone acetylases to this origin brings about a transcription-independent shift to early replication in lymphocytes. In contrast, tethering of a histone deacetylase in erythroblasts causes a shift to late replication. These results suggest that histone modification at the origin serves as a binary switch for controlling replication timing.Supplemental material is available at December 20, 2007; revised version accepted March 17, 2008. Studies in both yeast and animal cells demonstrate that the time at which replication origins fire during S phase is established by a preset marking system that operates in early G1 at about the same point that nuclear structure is restored following cell division (Raghuraman et al. 1997;Dimitrova and Gilbert 1999). This epigenetic signal may involve histone modification, as suggested by genetic manipulation experiments in yeast showing that normally early replicating origins can actually be made to fire aberrantly in late S phase simply by causing forced local histone deacetylation (Vogelauer et al. 2002). Whereas in yeast cells each origin replicates at an invariable fixed time within S phase, replication timing in higher eukaryotes is often subject to developmental regulation, and this is accomplished by altering the firing schedule of fixed origins. The human -globin domain represents a good example of this phenomenon. Genetic and biochemical studies have demonstrated that this entire ∼100-kb region is copied by employing a single bidirectional origin that fires early during S phase in erythroid cells, but is converted to a late replication mode in all nonerythroid cells (Kitsberg et al. 1993). Nothing, however, is known about how this timing profile is set up at the molecular level and, in particular, whether this is dependent on local transcription (Gilbert 2002).
Results and DiscussionIn order to assess whether this epigenetic switch may be mediated by changes in histone modification, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis to map the mean histone acetylation pattern over the entire -globin domain in different cell types (Fig. 1). In proerythroblast cells, we observed a large enrichment of histone H3 and H4 acetylation over the -globin promoter and coding sequence in correlation with the transcription profile of this gene in these erythroid cells. Mapping studies indicate that the replication origin in this region is actually composed of two separate functional units (Wang et al. 2004), and it appears from our data that these sequences (see map) are also prepackaged with a combination of hyperacetylated histones and me-H3(K4) in the proerythroblast cells (F...