Properties of electroless deposited nickel-phosphorous coatings on an austenitic stainless-steel substrate were investigated. The main study was focused on the influence of heat treatment on the microhardness and microstructure analysis of electroless Ni-P coatings. A nickel-phosphorous coating was deposited without nickel-strike pre-coating treatment. An electroless Ni-P layer was deposited on a stainless-steel substrate. Sodium hypophosphite was used as the reducing agent. The microstructure and morphology of heat-treated electroless specimens were analyzed with optical and scanning electron microscopy. Adhesivity was estimated with a Vickers indenter. Based on the experimental results, it can be concluded that heat-treated electroless nickel-phosphorous coatings have a higher microhardness than non-heat-treated electroless nickel-phosphorous coatings. An analysis of the Vickers indentation results showed that the proposed electroless process gives satisfactory results. Keywords: electroless, deposition, coatings, heat treatment, stainless steel, micro-hardness Preiskovane so bila lastnosti kemijsko nane{ene plasti nikelj -fosfor, na podlagi iz avtenitnega nerjavnega jekla. Glavni {tudij je bil usmerjen na vpliv toplotne obdelave na mikrotrdoto in analizo mikrostrukture kemijsko nane{enega Ni-P nanosa. Nanos nikelj -fosfor je bil nane{en brez predhodnega premaza. Kemijski nanos Ni-P je bil nane{en na osnovo iz nerjavnega jekla. Natrijev hipofosfid je bil uporabljen kot redukcijsko sredstvo. Mikrostruktura in morfologija kemijsko nane{enega vzorca je bila analizirana s svetlobno in z vrsti~no mikroskopijo. Adhezivnost je bila dolo~ena z vtiskovanjem po Vickers piramidi. Na osnovi rezultatov preizkusov je mogo~e zaklju~iti, da ima toplotno obdelan kemijski nanos nikelj -fosfor vi{jo trdoto kot neobdelan kemijski nanos nikelj -fosfor. Analiza rezultatov Vickers vtiskov je pokazala, da predlagani kemijski postopek daje zadovoljive rezultate.