When expressing their information needs in a (database) query, users sometimes prefer to state what has to be rejected rather than what has to be accepted. In general, what has to be rejected is not necessarily the complement of what has to be accepted. This phenomenon is commonly known as the heterogeneous bipolar nature of expressing information needs. Satisfaction degrees in regular fuzzy querying approaches are based on the "symmetric" assumption that the extent to which a database record, respectively, satisfies and does not satisfy a given query are complements of each other and are therefore less suited to adequately handle heterogeneous bipolarity in query specifications and query processing. In this paper, we present a bipolar query satisfaction modeling framework which is based on pairs that consist of an independent degree of satisfaction and degree of dissatisfaction. The use and advantages of the framework are illustrated in the context of fuzzy query evaluation in regular relational databases. More specifically, the evaluation of heterogeneous bipolar queries that contain both positive, negative, and bipolar criteria is studied. C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.