The upper Miocenelower Pliocene sedimentary succession of the Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) displays a unique record of undisturbed stratigraphy and provides an excellent opportunity to study long-term palaeoecological changes. This paper documents the ostracod assemblages of two sections of the Neogene Kolankaya Formation, resulting in the following taxonomic, palaeobiogeographic and ecological interpretations. The ostracod assemblages from the two sections consist of a mixture of oligohaline to mesohaline tolerant taxa but expose fundamental differences in their composition. This is reflected by the fact that out of 32 determined species, both sections only have 3 in common. In the stratigraphic older succession, the diverse ostracod fauna resembles taxa known from the Paratethys. Faunal relations to the brackish lake habitats of the Euxinic and Pannonian basins are apparent and the palaeobiogeographic significance of the fauna is discussed. The ostracod association of the younger section indicates a low brackish water habitat with fluctuating salinities, most likely in the oligohaline range. The ostracod assemblage of the Kolankaya Formation only permits a broad age assignment to the late Mioceneearly Pliocene.