The market for organic products in the European Union (EU) has recorded a growth rate of 8% in 2019, to reach a value of retail sales of about EUR 41.4 billion (Travnıćěk et al., 2021), in line with the global trend (Willer and Lernoud, 2021), transforming the sector from a niche into one of the pillars of agri-food production systems. The production sector has responded with a more than 50% increase of the share of EU agricultural land managed according to organic farming rules over the period 2012-2020, achieving 14.8 million ha (9.1% of the total EU agricultural land) in 2020, with fruit, olives and grape crops representing 11% of the organic land area (European Commission, 2023). This situation has been reached also as a result of several EU policies (e.g. through the Common Agricultural Policy) developed since the first enactment of EU rules on organic products in 1991, up to the recent Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategies (European Commission, 2020) and the Action Plan on organic farming (European Commission, 2021).To achieve the target of 25% of total agricultural production by 2030 set in the abovementioned EU policy documents, the number of organic producers in the EU needs to increase at a faster rate and organic fruit growers need to increase their share of market supply. However, converting from conventional to organic production systems is a challenging path, as, particularly for fruit crops, organic fruit production is technically demanding and knowledge-intensive, thus requiring knowledge sharing as well as dedicated research (Malusà et al., 2022). Research activity shall particularly focus on the topics that are mostly demanded by farmers and advisors, as recently emerged from an EUwide survey: plant protection, management of soil and its fertility, improvement of functional biodiversity, varieties and rootstocks suitable for organic cropping systems (Furmanczyk et al., 2022;Parveaud et al., 2022). However, it is our opinion that since the research activity shall support transdisciplinary professional skills in fruit growers and advisors, the correct approach of future research in organic fruit production shall take into consideration also some challenges deriving from the overall trends currently occurring Frontiers in Horticulture 01