Due to ethical and logistical concerns it is common for data monitoring
committees to periodically monitor accruing clinical trial data to assess the
safety, and possibly efficacy, of a new experimental treatment. When formalized,
monitoring is typically implemented using group sequential methods. In some
cases regulatory agencies have required that primary trial analyses should be
based solely on the judgment of an independent review committee (IRC). The IRC
assessments can produce difficulties for trial monitoring given the time lag
typically associated with receiving assessments from the IRC. This results in a
missing data problem wherein a surrogate measure of response may provide useful
information for interim decisions and future monitoring strategies. In this
paper, we present statistical tools that are helpful for monitoring a group
sequential clinical trial with missing IRC data. We illustrate the proposed
methodology in the case of binary endpoints under various missingness mechanisms
including missing completely at random assessments and when missingness depends
on the IRC’s measurement.