“…Detailed results d is presented in Figure 2 and Table 2. (57,12); mental (43,42); DGBL (39,05); flow (32,94); measure (32,58); game (26,24); motivation (23,98); feeling (22,31); frustration (22,3); intention_to_play (22,3); outcome_expectancy (22,3); post_test (22,19); knowledge (21,95); pre_test (21,6) Flow experience and in-game performance significantly impacted students' post test scores (…) We measured their science self-efficacy, science outcomeexpectancy beliefs, flow experience, feelings of frustration, and conceptual_understanding before and after playing_the_game (…) This study examined the effects of reality-based interaction and VR on measures of student motivation and mental workload, in a mental arithmetic game (… application (36,2); methodology (29,36); COVID-19 (28,55); pandemic (20,17); usability (20,17); active (18,1); disability (17,8); teaching_and_learning…”