Phyllanthus amarus, is an herb used widely in traditional medicinal systems of India. It has been noted hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, antiviral, ant diabetic and antimicrobials activity of Phyllanthus amarus in this review. In Ayurvedic system, the herb is well known for its antispasmodic, antianemic properties and is used in urinary as well as hemorrhage disorders. Phyllanthus amarus is known to contain a varied range of phytoconstituents including tannins, alkaloids, flavanoids and other chemicals of medicinal value. This herb has been useful in traditional system as appetizer, stomachic and gastro-protective. Phyllanthus amarus has been studied widely for their anticonvulsant activity. Moreover, the Phyllanthus amarus is known to be a cardioprotective agent who act as a hypotensive agent and maintain the cholesterol level of body. This review enlightens the pharmacological potentials of Phyllanthus amarus.