We used vesicular stomatitis virus to test the effect of complementation on the relative fitness of a deleterious mutant, monoclonal antibody-resistant mutant (MARM) N, in competition with its wild-type ancestor. We carried out competitions of MARM N and wild-type populations at different multiplicities of infection (MOIs) and initial ratios of the wild type to the mutant and found that the fitness of MARM N relative to that of the wild type is very sensitive to changes in the MOI (i.e., the degree of complementation) but depends little, if at all, on the initial frequencies of MARM N and the wild type. Further, we developed a mathematical model under the assumption that during coinfection both viruses contribute to a common pool of protein products in the infected cell and that they both exploit this common pool equally. Under such conditions, the fitness of all virions that coinfect a cell is the average fitness in the absence of coinfection of that group of virions. In the absence of coinfection, complementation cannot take place and the relative fitness of each competitor is only determined by the selective value of its own products. We found good agreement between our experimental results and the model predictions, which suggests that the wild type and MARM N freely share all of their gene products under coinfection.RNA viruses form highly polymorphic populations called quasispecies (8,9,13). The origin of much of their genetic diversity is high mutational pressure. Most RNA viruses have mutation rates on the order of one miscopied base per genome and generation (10, 11). However, high mutational pressure is not necessarily the only factor promoting genetic diversity. Niche differentiation can allow stable polymorphisms in an infected host. For instance, during a polyclonal immune response, different subpopulations may have different sensitivities to individual antibodies; variation within a host can also be related to differences in the tropism of different viral subpopulations. Virus-virus interactions may also promote stable polymorphisms in an infected host. In cell culture, such interactions readily occur during replication inside a cell and are likely to be an important contributor to the maintenance of variation. When two or more virions coinfect the same cell, complementation can take place. Not every function can be complemented in trans. In positive-stranded viruses, translation and replication are coupled (25); therefore, many functions need to be provided in cis and cannot be rescued by complementation (33, 37). Other proteins can freely interact with heterologous genomes or replicons, even from different viral species (18,21). In the absence of compartmentalization or other limitations to the diffusion of viral products, soluble proteins can interact with any genome inside the cell, potentially changing the phenotype of the virions and masking targets for natural selection to operate. A remarkable example of this phenomenon is phenotypic mixing and hiding, particularly for monoclonal antibody (...