“…We denote a QB4SOLAP graph by G, where G ⊂ T .The cube schema and cube instances are subsets of this graph and are denoted, respectively, by G S and G I , where G S ⊂ G and G I ⊂ G. Given an MD element x ∈ (I ∪ B) in a schema graph or instance graph G, we define by G x the subgraph of G for x, where G x ⊂ G. We define the function id(x) : G → I, that given a MD element x returns its identifier I from the graph G. We use superscript notation to indicate the type of the identifier from the cube schema graph (G S ) and cube instance graph (G I ), e.g., id S (x) for a cube schema identifier and id I (x) for a cube instance identifier. 9 RDF cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# 10 QB4OLAP: http://purl.org/qb4olap/cubes# 11 QB4SOLAP: http://w3id.org/qb4solap# 12 GeoSPARQL:http://www.opengis.net/ont/ geosparql# An n-dimensional cube schema CS is a tuple CS = (D, M, F ), with a set of dimensions D, a set of measures M , and a fact…”