We use QCD spectral sum rules to test the nature of the meson X(3872), assumed to be an exotic four-quark (ccqq) state with J P C = 1 ++ . For definiteness, we work with the current proposed recently by Maiani et al [1], at leading order in αs, consider the contributions of higher dimension condensates and keep terms which are linear in the light quark mass mq. We find MX = (3925±127) MeV which is compatible, within the errors, with the experimental candidate X(3872), while the SU(3) breaking-terms lead to an unusual mass-splitting MXs − MX = −(61 ± 30) MeV. The massdifference between the neutral states due to isospin violation of about (2.6 ∼ 3.9) MeV is smaller than the value (8±3) MeV proposed in [1]. For the b-quark, we predict MX b = (10144±106) MeV for the X b (bbqq), which is much below theBB * threshold in contrast to theBB * molecule prediction [2], and for the X s b (bbss), a mass-splitting M X s b − MX b = −(121 ± 182) MeV. Our analysis also indicates that the mass-splitting between the ground state and the radial excitation of about (225 ∼ 250) MeV is much smaller than in the case of ordinary mesons and is (within the errors) flavour-independent. We also extract the decay constants, analogous to fπ, of such mesons, which are useful for further studies of their leptonic and hadronic decay widths. The uncertainties of our estimates are mainly due to the ones from the c and b quark masses.