<p>Lipomas are the most common benign mesenchymal tumours that are composed of adipose tissue. They can occur at any age and can arise in any location, but are more frequently found on the chest, arm, shoulder and thigh. We report a rare case of lipoma attached to the frontalis muscle in a 65 year old male patient. Clinical examination had revealed a 1.5×1.5 cm in size, firm, non-tender, mobile subcutaneous nodule on the right side of the forehead that gradually increased in size over 8 years. Differential diagnosis of lipoma, liposarcoma, epidermal cyst and sebaceous cyst of the forehead were considered. Non-Contrast computed tomography revealed it to be a solitary, localized, circumscribed nodule within the frontalis without any bony involvement. The nodule was surgically removed and the diagnosis of intramuscular lipoma was confirmed on histopathological examination. The postoperative healing was uneventful and one year follow-up did not show recurrence. The prognosis of the rare frontalis associated intramuscular lipoma is good and risk of recurrence is low provided there is complete removal.</p>