Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is an intriguing clinical entity, characterized by usually transient and reversible abnormalities of the left ventricular systolic function, mimicking the myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries. TTS was initially regarded as a benign condition, however recent studies have unveiled adverse outcomes in the short-and long-term, with rates of morbidity and mortality comparable to those experienced after an acute myocardial infarction. Given the usual transient nature of TTS, this is an unexpected finding. Moreover, long-term mortality seems to be mainly driven by non-cardiovascular causes. The uncertain long-term prognosis of TTS warrants a comprehensive outpatient follow-up after the acute event, although there are currently no robust data indicating its modality and timing. The aim of the present review is to summarize recent available evidence regarding long-term prognosis in TTS. Moreover methods, timing and findings of the long-term management of TTS will be discussed.